Categoría: Artículos Científicos

Laser therapy and needling in myofascial trigger point deactivation (Fragment)

Luciana Uemoto1,2), Marco Antonio C. Garcia3), Cresus Vinicius D. Gouvêa4), Oswaldo V. Vilella4), and Thays A. Alfaya4)   Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate different approaches to deactivating myofascial trigger points (MTPs). Twenty-one women with bilateral MTPs in the masseter muscle were randomly divided into three groups: laser therapy, needle treatment and …

Patellar Tendinopathy Recent Developments toward Treatment

Robert A. Christian, B.A., William H. Rossy, M.D., and Orrin H. Sherman, M.D.   Abstract   Patellar tendinopathy (PT) is a clinical and chronic overuse condition of unknown pathogenesis and etiology marked by anterior knee pain typically manifested at the inferior pole of the patella. PT has been referred to as “jumper’s knee” since it …

Clinical presentation and manual therapy for upper quadrant musculoskeletal conditions (Fragment)

Ana Isabel de-la-Llave-Rincón,1,2 Emilio J Puentedura,3 and César Fernández-de-las-Peñas1,2 Abstract In recent years, increased knowledge of the pathogenesis of upper quadrant pain syndromes has translated to better management strategies. Recent studies have demonstrated evidence of peripheral and central sensitization mechanisms in different local pain syndromes of the upper quadrant such as idiopathic neck pain, lateral …

Stumbling reactions in man: significance of proprioceptive and pre-programmed mechanisms (Fragment)

BY V. DIETZ, J. QUINTERN AND M. SILLEM. From the Department of Clinical Neurology and Neurophysiology, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, F.R.G. SUMMARY Electromyogram (e.m.g.) responses of the leg musculature and the corresponding joint movements were studied following a perturbation of the limb during walking on a treadmill, produced by a randomly timed treadmill acceleration impulse, …

The Mirror-Neuron System (Fragment)

Giacomo Rizzolattil and Laila Craighero. Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Sezione di Fisiologia, via Volturno, 3, Universiti di Parma, 43100, Parma, Italy. Abstract A category of stimuli of great importance for primates, humans in particular, is that formed by actions done by other individuals. If we want to survive, we must understand the actions of others. Furthermore, …

Neuroprotective Role of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor: Signalling Mechanisms, Biological Function, and Therapeutic Potential (Fragment)

Ian Zachary Centre for Cardiovascular Biology and Medicine, BHF Laboratories, Department of Medicine, The Rayne Institute, University College London, London , UK. Abstract Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF or VEGF-A) and its receptors play essential roles in the formation of blood vessels during embryogenesis and in disease. Most biological effects of VEGF are mediated via …

El ejercicio para los pacientes con enfermedad de las arterias coronarias (Fragmento)

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise® RESUMEN Pronunciamiento del Colegio Americano de Medicina del Deporte (American College of Sports Medicine –ACSM por sus siglas en inglés): «EL EJERCICIO PARA LOS PACIENTES CON ENFERMEDAD DE LAS ARTERIAS CORONARIAS». Med. Sci. Sports Exerc., Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. i–v, 1994. El ejercicio mejora la capacidad funcional …

Preparing to Perform: Periodization and Dance (Fragment)

Matthew Wyon, Ph.D. Abstract This article reviews the historical and current literature on periodization in sport before applying the concept to dance from scientific and anecdotal points of view. Preparing the dancer through the use of a periodization model, in a professional or vocational setting, will potentially help prevent overtraining and its link to injury, …

Dance and Sexuality: Many Moves (Fragment)

Judith Lynne Hanna. Departments of Dance and Anthropology, University of Maryland, College Park. This literature review of dance and sexual expression considers dance and religion, dance and sexuality as a source of power, manifestations of sexuality in Western theater art and social dance, plus ritual and non-Western social dance. Expressions of gender, sexual orientation, asexuality, …

Las funciones y competencias del preparador físico en un club deportivo (Fragmento)

Francisco Seirulo 1987. INTRODUCCION Muchos directivos de clubs deportivos se preguntan si la labor de un preparador físico será rentable o  no, si su trabajo puede traer inquietud y problemas a la plantilla, o por el contrario si su actuación puede ser beneficiosa para la mayoría. Sin duda este problema es debido a que es …